Times Dental Implants May Not Be Right For You

Whenever possible, most dentists recommend using implants to help restore a patient’s bite after tooth loss. Dental implants in Gouverneur, NY, often have many benefits over other restoration options. However, they aren’t always the best option for every patient. Implants tend to involve invasive procedures and surgery that may not be right for every situation. In some cases, your dentist may recommend alternate treatment options to help restore your bite and improve your oral health.

DENTAL IMPLANTS in GOUVERNEUR NY may not always be the right option for every patient

Why Dental Implants in Gouverneur, NY, May Not Be Right 

For most patients with high oral health and strong jaws, implants can be extremely beneficial for restoring tooth loss. The implant post mimics the natural root structure of your tooth, providing additional support and strength for your bite. However, the process of getting an implant could be ineffective or even damaging to some patients. Before starting treatment, your dentist will do a thorough examination of your bite to determine if implants are right for you.

Bone Density Loss

In order for an implant to be successful, it needs to integrate into your jaw bone. When you start implant treatment, your dentist will likely take an X-Ray of your jaw. This can help guide them in placing the implant, but it also shows them how much bone density you have. If there’s not enough bone support, the implant could fail to integrate. This could lead to pain and discomfort during treatment as well as loss of the implant. If you do have bone density loss, you may still be able to get a dental implant following a bone grafting appointment. 

Gum Disease

Patients need healthy gums to ensure the implant site heals properly and the implant post is stable. If you have gum disease, you could run the risk of implant failure. Gum disease can cause your gums to be less stable, meaning there are more chances for the implant to shift or move during the integration process. This could lead to the implant failing to integrate or falling out altogether. Gum disease can also cause pain and discomfort while healing. In some cases, periodontal therapy may be able to restore your gum health and improve the chances of a successful implant. 


While implants tend to have the most benefits, they also tend to have the most costs associated with treatment. While insurance may help cover some of the costs, many patients may not be able to afford an implant. If this is the case, your dentist may be able to help restore your smile with alternate treatment options. Traditional dental bridges and dentures could improve your bite and protect your oral health if implants aren’t an option.

If you have tooth loss, dental implants may be able to help. But if they aren’t available, other treatments could still restore your bite. Call our office today at (315) 203-1772 to schedule a consultation and see if implant dentistry is right for you.